Website / Mobile Website

Intermountain Health


Intermountain Health is a healthcare organization dedicated to promoting optimal health and well-being through the provision of high-quality, sustainable, and accessible care services.

Intermountain Healthcare underwent a rebranding effort to bridge the gap between the personal core of health and the healthcare industry, aiming for a friendlier identity to ease the process of making appointments and seeing a doctor. They merged four domains: Intermountain Healthcare, Intermountain Healthcare Nevada, Saltzer Health, and SCL Health. To embody the new brand vision created in collaboration with FutureBrand, they required a complete overhaul of their brand system and website for both desktop and mobile.

  • Julia Murphy (Lead Designer)

  • Hengzhi Huang, Akiko Hattori, Waila Skinner (Designers)

  • Elizabeth Gordon (Copywriter)

  • Karishma Jootla (Technical Director)

  • Jessica Keith (UX Strategy)

  • My Role (Designer)



September 2022 - April 2023

UX Competitive Analysis

We conducted a competitive analysis of various healthcare and wellness apps to gain insights into effective strategies for guiding users towards a more user-centric health portal. This analysis helped us identify inspiration and determine the optimal approach forward.

User Analysis

Before getting into ideation, we initiated a brainstorming session to develop personas and outline the user journeys we need to design for. Together, we crafted a family of four personas, centered around a mother as the primary caregiver. Her husband, who has a chronic condition requiring regular specialist checkups, her father, a senior in need of hip surgery, and her young son, complete the family dynamic we considered.

User Testing

We conducted four stages of user tests as follows:

  1. We began with card sorting to gain insights into how users group certain medical terms together.

  2. The second stage involved tree testing, conducting A/B tests where we compared two potential site structures: Hypothesis A, which featured a task-oriented hierarchical structure, against Hypothesis B, a journey-based matrix and linear structure. Through three task scenarios, we observed which route users most seamlessly completed.

  3. In the third stage, we tested two prototypes: 'One Screen' versus 'Above the Fold,' focusing primarily on mobile-first designs due to the increased likelihood of users engaging with the website via mobile devices. With the 'one screen' approach, users could immediately see everything, enabling them to complete critical tasks promptly. Conversely, the 'above the fold' approach prioritized critical calls-to-action first, allowing for quick user actions while also allowing the user to explore their own journeys.

    Results from this test revealed that users preferred the directness of the 'one screen' approach, appreciating the quick and direct access to tasks and necessary content. They also expressed a liking for personalized and curated content suggestions.

  4. In the final stage, we conducted impression testing, beginning with interviews via Zoom with six patients of Intermountain Health within a one-hour timeframe. Initially, we explored four creative directions, which were then narrowed down to two final options: 'Expanding Heritage,' focusing on Intermountain Health's leadership in innovation and high-quality care and 'Urgency,' envisioning a new era in healthcare where industry collaboration with patients ensures maximum accessibility to promote overall wellness.

    After 44 survey tests comparing the two routes, we were able to finalize the creative approach.


With the overhaul of Intermountain Health’s new identity, we’ve created a robust design system to accompany the rebranding. This system employs design tokens to maintain consistency and serves as the singular source of truth accessible to all involved. All components are modular, serving as atoms to build templates as the site migration process unfolds. This design system is a continuous improvement working in tandem with Intermountain Health’s design team.

Notable Metrics


Conversion rates have increased for “Make an Appointment” by +25% to date since launch.

Conversion rates have increased for “Get care now” by +15% to date since launch.

Conversion rates have increased for “Sign in to MH+ CTAs by +35% to date since launch.


In conclusion, this project proved to be highly rewarding despite its challenges. Working on Intermountain Health, a project of such large scale, provided me with the opportunity to experience an in-house environment, constantly refining the design system and core templates for migration.

Throughout the project, I gained valuable insights and collaborated closely with a very big and diverse team, learning to navigate various working styles and communication preferences. Balancing constant deadlines and ongoing sprints to address previous launches with developers while simultaneously preparing for upcoming launches required me to develop effective time management skills. Overall, the experience was very fulfilling, especially considering my journey from an intern to UX designer on this project. I was also able to learn a lot about myself as I witnessed the evolution of my own working style and skills using Figma.