Star Alliance

A digital experience to improve the customer experience during ‘dead time’ between connecting flights at airports and to increase loyalty with the Star Alliance program. Play with the prototype here.


User Research

Interaction Design

Visual Design

Wireframing & Prototyping



Adobe Illustrator


Oct 2021 - Nov 2021


The brief was assigned by the global design consultancy, Edenspiekermann. The prompt was to design an end-to-end user experience for an iOS app to improve the customer experience during ‘dead time’ between connecting flights at airports and to increase user engagement within the star alliance program.

The Challenge

“How can we elevate the experience for consumers in an airport during long layovers, as well as increase loyalty with the Star Alliance program?”


User Research

After the brainstorming, I developed a 47 question user survey and received 50 anonymous responses to get a better understanding of a flyer’s routine in an airport, as well as gather insight into pain points and priorities that flyers may usually experience.

Survey Insights

These were a few findings I felt were important to highlight and made the biggest contributions to design decisions in my final solution. Furthermore, I dove deeper into the experiences a flyer goes through in an airport and discover any opportunities I can grasp.

User Journey Map


User Persona


The Final Solution

Adapted to Covid-19 Restrictions

The pandemic was at a peak during this time so it was important to find ways to better mitigate safety concerns while flying.


Reservable Seating

Designated areas will have seats that may be reserved for a certain amount of time. This ensures flyers are guaranteed not only social distancing requirements, but knowing they can leave their seat and come back without the worry it’ll be taken.

Earning points towards the Star Alliance program from reserving seats will also encourage customer loyalty. These points can then be transferrable for other flight rewards.